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Mestrando Peixe Cru

Paulo Rogério Yoneyama, Peixe Cru, born in São Paulo, on January 9, 1970. In 1981, while playing ball near his home, he saw a capoeirista performing some capoeira movements, which aroused his curiosity and his interest in the activity. In the same year, against the wishes of his mother, he began training at the academy of Mestre Meinha, the Southern Cross Group. Goer Academy assiduous, was baptized, after two weeks of training. Leveraging on event held by his Mestre. By its Nipponese descent, his family questioned his choice of capoeira, instead of training judo, karate or other oriental martial art. But the beauty of capoeira, rhythm, swing and movement drew him irresistibly.

He graduated "Professor Mirim" in 1985 and 1987, when Mestre Meinha closed the academy began with Peixada his brother to give capoeira classes in rented places and garage and room of your home, which was the beginning their gym. During these activities always traveled with his students, going prestige events and christenings other capoeira groups.

In 1991, during an event had its first contact with the Abada-Capoeira, where he met Cobra and other members of the group. The playability and Abadá technique brought back the initial feelings that made Raw Fish start in Capoeira and he wanted to know more about this group.In the same year, Mestre Camisa was teaching a course in São Paulo, and encouraged by a friend, the Caco Véio, he joined the savings and signed up with the intention to personally meet Mestre Camisa.After the course, Mestre Camisa invited those present to conhecerm the academy in Rio de Janeiro, and Cobra invited him to stay in your home.After a while, Peixe Cru went to Rio, where he did some training with the Abada-Capoeira.


After these initial contacts, was present in a Baptized Cobra, where he talked to Mestre Camisa and became part of Abada-Capoeira.In 1993 he officiated in the group, an event that took the purple cord. Coincidentally, it was the same year that Cobra graduated Mestre.In 1995 he made his first trip abroad, going to the United States, San Francisco, an event held by Mestre Marcia .Today he is a professional, and has capoeira as a way of life, making this his livelihood and his family.It has a gym in São Paulo, in addition to classes in various locations and develop a range of social work.He graduated Mestrando of Abada-Capoeira in 2005!

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